You can connect to Fineo through SqlLine - a standard console based SQL access tool.

How To

1. Download

The Fineo-specific build of sqlline is available here [1].

2. Prepare

Unpack the tarball and then copy in the desired fineo jdbc jar (see jdbc for the jar) to lib/. If you want logging you can also copy in you desired logging framework (Fineo leverages Slf4j everywhere); we recommend using logback [2].

3. Start

Now you are ready to start the sqlline shell:

$ ./sqlline

4. Connect!

Start by entering the connection credentials:

sqlline>  !connect jdbc:fineo:api_key=<your api key>

If you did not enter a authentication method (see JDBC guide), you can enter your IAM credentials as a username (access key) and password (secret key) combination:

 Enter username for jdbc:fineo;api_key=<key>:
 Enter password for jdbc:fineo:api_key=<key>:

That's it. From there you can easily access all of your data through SQL!

5. Examples

Here are some simple things you can do in Sqlline.

List tables

sqlline> !tables

Get all rows in a table

sqlline> SELECT * FROM <table name>

6. Exiting

Crtl-C (the usual exit option) only cancels the previous command. Instead you need to use:

sqlline> !quit


1. Sqlline

We include a couple of fixes, like loading the properties file correctly and using lib/ vs. changing the java-ext dir. For more details, see our fork.

2. Logback

For logback, the jars you need are: logback-core and logback-classic. Download these jars and add them to the lib/ directory.